Thematic workshops
Thematic workshops offer a more communicative approach to teaching, complementing the language and culture courses. The emphasis is on speaking practice through a variety of themes linked to French culture. The workshops also have an intercultural objective.
With this in mind, our workshops offer you the chance to discover French cinema through a selection of film extracts, giving rise to debates and exchanges of opinion... Let yourself be carried away by the melodies of French chanson from the '40s to the present day, studying the similarities and differences between different artists and generations. You're guaranteed to have a moment to relax and enjoy French humour: excerpts from sketches, shows, comics, texts... In short, everything that makes the French laugh. And the rules of good taste... come and discover everything you need to know about "political correctness" in society... how to behave with women, men... but also absurdities and other oddities...
Are you fascinated by fashion, the main currents of designers, their influence on ready-to-wear and trends? Find out more! And why not spend a late afternoon window-shopping with Hermès, Dior, Chanel, Lacroix... in Monaco? At the Theatre, anything is possible: love, hate, fear, joy, laughter... Universal feelings! Everyone will find their niche, their mode of expression, through vocal and corporeal exercises and improvisations, and learning French will become fun like a game! And as for poets... Writing is always, in one way or another, playing with words and rules, in a variety of literary and journalistic forms.