Active learning
Effective language training can't just take place in a classroom. That's why, depending on the formula you choose, many courses are outside the classroom, allowing you to both learn and practice the language-culture while accomplishing well-defined pedagogical tasks.
Meeting other people
At CeFoLiAc, we understand culture as "a combination of ways of seeing, feeling, perceiving, thinking, expressing oneself, reacting, life styles, beliefs, knowledge, achievements, habits and customs, traditions, institutions, norms, values, mores, leisure activities and aspirations". (Dictionnaire actuel de l'éducation, Larousse, 1988). Intercultural competence is therefore not a skill that enables us to converse with a foreigner (a person of a different nationality or culture), but with someone else (another person).
The main objective, which is at the heart of our preoccupation, is to learn the encounter, not to learn other people's cultures. (Martine Abdallah-Pretceille, "Compétence culturelle, compétence interculturelle. Pour une anthropologie de la communication", Le Français dans le monde, special January issue, pp.32-35, 1996).
Such an encounter can only take place outdoors, where you can meet the locals, which is why we offer delocalized courses that allow you to rediscover a little authenticity. The program for these courses depends on the formula chosen, the dates selected and the number of participants, and can sometimes be combined with certain socio-cultural and/or sporting activities.