Training courses
Let's learn and teach together!
We invite FLE(S) teachers to enrich their pedagogical practices and teaching methods with courses that can be tailored to the needs and wishes of the trainees. We are very happy to offer teaching courses all year round.
Adaptable program
The course takes the form of interactive pedagogical workshops based on the latest research in FLE didactics.
This pedagogical course enables you to revitalize your professional teaching practices while acquiring new linguistic knowledge, enriching your language practice and improving your perception of fast-changing French society thanks to original role-playing scenarios.
Basic modules
We propose the following modular organization:
Two themes to choose from three core units.

Oral education
(3 X 3H)
Objective: to learn a new approach to teaching oral expression in French as a foreign language; study of verbal interaction and, more specifically, of markers for structuring conversation; analysis of the different registers of the French language: slang, vernacular, idiomatic expressions and texting (SMS) language.
Analysis of material teaching
(3 X 3H)
Objective: to master tools for analyzing FLE methods (for children and adults) in order to facilitate the choice and/or adaptation of a textbook according to the objectives and target audience, but also to draw inspiration from them to create your own activities.
Teaching grammar in the classroom
(3 X 3H)
Objective: analyse linguistic approaches and forms of grammatical activity as they apply to the teaching/learning of French as a foreign language; discover the Grammaire du sens et de l'expression (Patrick CHARAUDEAU).
Additional modules
The basic modules are 3 hours x 3 hours, while the supplementary modules are 3 hours x 2 hours.
Two themes to choose from three additional modules.

Assessment tools
(2 X 3H)
Objective : introduction to the different levels of the " Common European Framework of Reference for Languages " for the assessment of written and of the oral. Evaluate according to the CEFR (work on authentic productions).
Learning to learn
(2 X 3H)
Objective: reflection on the approach and tools for "learning to learn", as well as learning strategies, i.e. the set of operations implemented by learners to acquire, integrate and reuse the target language.
Teaching of authentic documents
(2 X 3H)
Objective: diversify teaching aids by exploiting the many resources available online, using authentic documents and videos in particular; then, make the learner an active participant in his or her own learning in the FLE classroom through playful and creative activities, both oral and written (class project, logbook, etc.).